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Day 1
- EBC 2005 - Programme
- Final remarks
- Insight from North America
- Lessons from bench testing
- Lessons from IVUS in bifurcation lesions
- Lessons from QCA in Bifurcation Lesions
- Bifurcation coronary disease.
- Review of bifurcation treatment techniques theoretical advantages and disadvantages
- One Stent Only
- Technique and Insights from Latin America
- The CardiOp-B System
- The case of distal left main stenosis: Should we treat it? - No
- The issue of side branch access protection and patency
- Two Stents Always: when both branches have significant stenosis and can be stented
- Unprotected distal Left Main PCI: The Pro
- We need a dedicated stent
- What should be the ideal stent for coronary bifurcations
- Insights from the Thoraxcenter DES
- Bifurcation anatomy classification etc
Day 2
- EBC 2005 - Programme
- A new tool for Angiography - Bifurcation Quantitative Analysis
- A Novel Method for the Analysis of Bifurcation Lesions
- Dedicated stents and delivery systems: advantages and drawbacks
- Distal Left Main 2 Stents Are Not Better Than One
- Final remarks
- Insight from North America
- Lessons from bench testing
- Lessons from IVUS in bifurcation lesions
- Lessons from QCA in Bifurcation Lesions
- Bifurcation coronary disease.
- Review of bifurcation treatment techniques theoretical advantages and disadvantages
- One Stent Only
- Technique and Insights from Latin America
- The CardiOp-B System
- The case of distal left main stenosis: Should we treat it? - No
- The issue of side branch access protection and patency
- Two Stents Always: when both branches have significant stenosis and can be stented
- Unprotected distal Left Main PCI: The Pro
- We need a dedicated stent
Day 1
- Distal LM: a bifurcation lesion like others - Pro
- Distal LM: a bifurcation lesion like others - con
- Distal LM, a different bifurcation lesion? - Do we need a dedicated device ?
- Insight of 3D Reconstruction
- Should we pre-dilate the side branch? YES - (for true bifurcation lesions)
- Should we predilate the side branch? NO
- Simplified Model of a Bifurcation
- Still a place for complex strategies in complex lesions? No
- Summary of Session IV
- The Cappella Sideguard Ostium Protection Device
- The sideKicK SDS for the treatment of Bifurcation Lesions
- Tryton Side-Branch Protection Device
- Very simple, simple or complex approach ? Part 1 - Discussion & Conclusion
- What is important: Angiographic or clinical results?
- Why a so high restenosis rate even with DES ? Hemodynamics perturbations insights
Day 2
- Are significant SB lesions really significant?: Insight from FFR
- Bifurcated lesions analysis Optimal quantification and reporting?
- Bifurcation Analysis in QAngio® XA (v 7.0) Geared Towards Clinical Practice
- Bifurcation Stenting Is a Risk Factor for Stent Thrombosis
- Challenges and Limitations of QCA in the Analysis of Bifurcation Lesions
- Consensus
- Final Kissing balloon inflation in all cases? CON
- Final Kissing balloon inflation in all cases? PRO
- Is there a role for complex procedures in 1-1-1 lesions ? YES
- Jail wire technique always useful? - YES!
- Jailed wire - rationale
- New classification of treatments
- Recap of EBC 2005 meeting
- Second Meeting of the (EBC) European Bifurcation Club - “NO CONSENSUS”
- Side Branch Restenosis Does the DES Matter?
- EBC 2006 - Programme
- Are significant SB lesions really significant?: Insight from FFR
- Bifurcated lesions analysis Optimal quantification and reporting?
- Bifurcation Analysis in QAngio® XA (v 7.0) Geared Towards Clinical Practice
- Bifurcation Stenting Is a Risk Factor for Stent Thrombosis
- Challenges and Limitations of QCA in the Analysis of Bifurcation Lesions
- Consensus
- Distal LM: a bifurcation lesion like others - Pro
- Distal LM: a bifurcation lesion like others - con
- Distal LM, a different bifurcation lesion? - Do we need a dedicated device ?
- Final Kissing balloon inflation in all cases? CON
- Final Kissing balloon inflation in all cases? PRO
- Insight of 3D Reconstruction
- Is there a role for complex procedures in 1-1-1 lesions ? YES
- Jail wire technique always useful? - YES!
- Jailed wire - rationale
- New classification of treatments
- Recap of EBC 2005 meeting
- Second Meeting of the (EBC) European Bifurcation Club - “NO CONSENSUS”
- Should we pre-dilate the side branch? YES - (for true bifurcation lesions)
Day 1
- 2D quantitative angiography for bifurcation a new algorithm for analysis (CAAS, PIE medical imaging BV)
- BBC One The British Bifurcation Coronary study Old New and Evolving Strategies
- Bifurcation and Stent Thrombosis debriefing
- Can we decrease stent thrombosis in bifurcation ?
- Bifurcation and Stent Thrombosis-Can we decrease the risk of stent thrombosis in bifurcation stenting ?
- Bifurcation lesion stenting is a predictor of stent thrombosis: Technique? Stent?
- Clopidogrel Resistance, ASA Resistance and Coronary Stent Thrombosis: A Causal Relation?
- Culotte Technique in Left Main Disease
- DES in Bifurcation Lesions insight from the ICPS Registry
- Effect on polymeric coatings of the implantation of different DES in bifurcations
- First in man: Trirème
- Flow dynamics and rheology of bifurcation lesions
- Left main treatment with crush
- Morphological and functional properties of biological trees based on their fractal nature
- MV to SB transition zone in human coronaries: Unique geometric insights missed by QCA
- Overexpansion of MB stent in front of SB in PTS strategy the POT technique
- Over expansion of MB stent in front of SB in PTS strategy: the POT technique
- Overview of flow measurement facilities for biomedical applications
- Relationship between flow dynamics and plaque distribution in coronary tree
- Shunt Stenting A dedicated two stent technique for bifurcation lesions registry data and early results of a randomised trial
Day 2
- BBC ONE - The British Bifurcation Coronary study
- Bifurcation and Stent Thrombosis “Debriefing”
- Bifurcations registry from Heart Center Bad Krozingen / Germany
- Challenging CTO and LAD/D Bifurcation
- Culotte Technique in Left Main Disease
- DES in Bifurcation Lesions: Insight from the ICPS Registry
- Difficult Side Branch Access in Bifurcation Lesions
- First in Man Experience TriReme Ostial Protection MV to SB transition zone
- Flow disturbances induced by multiple stents deployment : Consequences on restenosis and thrombosis occurrence
- Fractional Flow Reserve-Guided Distal Left Main Lesion Intervention
- LM Bifurcation Angle Influence on Mid-Term FU After Stenting ?
- Main vessel to side branch transition zone in human coronaries: Unique geometric insights missed by QCA Ex Vivo Analysis of Human Coronary Bifurcation Anatomy:
- Mary E. Russell, MD, FACC Alex Abiziad, MD Eitan Konstantino, PhD
- Opening remarks
- Ostial LAD lesion in acute MI
- PCI for Left Main Disease
- Provisional T-stenting Strategy for Left Main Bifurcations
- Shunt Stenting - A dedicated two stent technique for bifurcation lesions
- EBC 2007 - Programme
- 2D quantitative angiography for bifurcation a new algorithm for analysis (CAAS, PIE medical imaging BV)
- BBC ONE - The British Bifurcation Coronary study
- BBC One The British Bifurcation Coronary study Old New and Evolving Strategies
- Bifurcation and Stent Thrombosis “Debriefing”
- Can we decrease stent thrombosis in bifurcation ?
- Bifurcation and Stent Thrombosis debriefing
- Bifurcation and Stent Thrombosis-Can we decrease the risk of stent thrombosis in bifurcation stenting ?
- Bifurcation lesion stenting is a predictor of stent thrombosis: Technique? Stent?
- Bifurcations registry from Heart Center Bad Krozingen / Germany
- Challenging CTO and LAD/D Bifurcation
- Clopidogrel Resistance, ASA Resistance and Coronary Stent Thrombosis: A Causal Relation?
- Culotte Technique in Left Main Disease
- Culotte Technique in Left Main Disease
- DES in Bifurcation Lesions insight from the ICPS Registry
- DES in Bifurcation Lesions: Insight from the ICPS Registry
- Difficult Side Branch Access in Bifurcation Lesions
- Effect on polymeric coatings of the implantation of different DES in bifurcations
Day 1
- EBC 2008 - Programme
- A novel side branch solution to bifurcation disease
- Insights from BBC ONE
- Developments in Bifurcation Stents TMI Antares Stent System
- ISAR-LEFT MAIN: A Randomized Clinical Trial on Drug-Eluting Stents for Unprotected Left Main Lesions
- Left Main Stenting With AXXESS Self Expanding DES
- LM stenting or surgery? Insights from Syntax Trial
- Nordic III and more
- Ostial Side Branch Stenosis Ostium Stenting / Dogbone Technique
- Path to an anatomically designed “true” bifurcation stent
- Randomized Trial of Bare Metal and Drug-Eluting Stents for Unprotected Left Main Lesions An Update
- Rationale for the use of a drug eluting balloon in bifurcation lesions: “DEBIUT”
- The fate of bioabsorbable struts located at side branches 24 months FUP An ABSORB trial substudy
- Insight from Bad Krozingen randomized study
- Insight from the CACTUS trial
- Treatment of 001 lesions: ‘inverted’ provisional t
- Tryton Bifurcation Stent: Basic Concepts and Initial Clinical Experience
- Abbott Bifurcation System
Day 2
- A complicated modified balloon crush
- An Ostial LAD Lesion 0,1,0 - To Kiss or Not to Kiss?
- Anatomical and Functional Approaches for Bifurcation Lesions “CROSS and PERFECT” Trials
- Bifurcation Analysis Progress Report and validation of bifurcation QCA by Medis
- Bifurcation lesion: Association between geometric changes after stenting and clinical outcomes
- Factors for Side Branch Occlusion
- How to do a provisional T stenting
- How to do an SKS
- How to Use Dedicated Devices for Provisional Side Branch Stenting
- Insight of “S” family Stenting Techniques from Bench Testing
- How to perform with Devax or Extended Y-Stenting
- Long Term Outcomes of Bifurcation Lesions after Implantation of Drug Eluting Stents with the “Mini-Crush Technique”
- M family Extended Y / V
- Modified T-stenting technique with crushing for bifurcation lesions
- New Bifurcation Assessment techniques: Insight from OCT
- Provisional T stenting in the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions with the new generation of paclitaxel eluting stents: Pilot phase results of the Liberty One Study
- Role of Endothelial Shear Stress in the Natural History of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Remodeling
- Stent cell sizes: Important data for bifurcation stent selection (EuroIntervention, Accepted for publication)
- Structure-Function Relation in the Coronary Arterial Tree
- T-stenting and small protrusion (TAP) technique for restenotic lesion after single stenting in the left main coronary bifurcation
- EBC 2008 - Programme
- A complicated modified balloon crush
- A novel side branch solution to bifurcation disease
- An Ostial LAD Lesion 0,1,0 - To Kiss or Not to Kiss?
- Anatomical and Functional Approaches for Bifurcation Lesions “CROSS and PERFECT” Trials
- Insights from BBC ONE
- Bifurcation Analysis Progress Report and validation of bifurcation QCA by Medis
- Bifurcation lesion: Association between geometric changes after stenting and clinical outcomes
- Consensus or not
- Developments in Bifurcation Stents TMI Antares Stent System
- Factors for Side Branch Occlusion
- How to do a provisional T stenting
- How to do an SKS
- How to Use Dedicated Devices for Provisional Side Branch Stenting
- Insight of “S” family Stenting Techniques from Bench Testing
- ISAR-LEFT MAIN: A Randomized Clinical Trial on Drug-Eluting Stents for Unprotected Left Main Lesions
- Left Main Stenting With AXXESS Self Expanding DES
- LM stenting or surgery? Insights from Syntax Trial
- How to perform with Devax or Extended Y-Stenting
- Long Term Outcomes of Bifurcation Lesions after Implantation of Drug Eluting Stents with the “Mini-Crush Technique”
Day 1
- Balloon inflation time for kissing: 5 seconds of inflation is not enough
- Bifurcation angle as a factor of events
- Bifurcation angles: influence on bifurcation stenting indication?
- Final Kissing Balloon Inflation in all Cases
- Is Left main angulation really a predictor of mortality for Left Main
- SB Diameter as an Index of MI
- Stent Fracture in Bifurcation Lesions
- Stent Thrombosis in Coronary Bifurcation After DES Implantation
- Stent Thrombosis: Complex and Simple techniques: The same risk?
- The Minvasys Amazonia Pax & Nile Pax Polymer Free Paclitaxel Eluting Stent Program
- What we have learned during this 2 day?
- Why I like the DEVAX AXXESS stent …
Day 2
- EBC 2009 - Programme
- Atheroma on the carena or not ? "No ! carena is not always free of disease! is it important or not
- Balloon inflation time for kissing: 5 seconds of inflation is not enough
- Better clinical outcome with final kissing
- Bifurcation angle as a factor of events
- Bifurcation angles: influence on bifurcation stenting indication?
- Complex techniques for complex lesions: What are the situations where we need a double stenting ?
- Complex techniques in complex lesions: which one is the best ?
- Final Kissing Balloon Inflation in all Cases
- Final Kissing Balloon Inflation is a Factor of Complication?
- Final kissing balloon inflation with non compliant balloons. Is it better ? A pilot study
- Insight from Nordic III
- Is Left main angulation really a predictor of mortality for Left Main
- New technique to solve the problem of side-branch occlusion
- News from Asian Bifurcation Club
- Non compliant kissing balloon in the bench
- Role of lesion preparation in the treatment of bifurcation lesions treatment of bifurcation lesions - Case Review Session
- SB Diameter as an Index of MI
- Should we modify the Medina classification?
- Stent Fracture in Bifurcation Lesions
Day 1
- Angio/MDCT co-registration for bifurcation lesions
- Angiographic and clinical outcome of PCI for restenosis of stented bifurcations
- Consensus so far and what we will be focusing on this time
- Dedicated Software for Bifurcation QCA: Pie Medical (CAAS 5.9) and MEDIS (QAngio XA Validation on Phantom analysis
- FFR in side branch: a substudy of Nordic
- Imaging of coronary bifurcation anatomy and intervention with OCT
- Is there any role for intravascular ultrasound in bifurcation lesions?
- IVUS/OCT for decision making between provisional and two-stent strategy?
- Kissing in simple - Why and how I kiss?
- Kissing in simple strategy: I prefer SMS
- Kissing in simple strategy? Why and how I kiss
- Lessons from BBC ONE
- Nordic 3 update
- Restenosis of Bifurcation Lesions treated with Crush-Technique
- Summary of Left Main Stem publications since last EBC
- Summary of Left Main Stem publications since last EBC
- What's new since last year ? Summary of Bifurcation Publications since last EBC
- Why I don’t kiss ?
- Why I try to avoid side branch dilatation
Day 2
- 001 registry
- 3 y outcomes after SES implantation for ULM coronary artery disease impact of technique
- 3-day OCT follow-up of a STENTYS® stent in a STEMI patient with a bifurcation lesion
- A Novel Approach to Coronary Bifurcation Disease
- Bench study of strut deformation and polymer damages
- Bifurcation stenting simulation: the stent
- Bifurcation stenting simulation: the vessel
- Bifurcation treatment: Interest of the association DES and DEB? preliminary results in a rabbit model
- Biomatrix Features Relevant to Bifurcational Stenting and the LEADERS Bifurcation Substudy
- Case 1: Retrograde CTO wiring of CX bifurcation
- CD session n° 2: stenting techniques-Distal left main lesion with difficult LAD access
- Debiut
- DK-Crush II study
- EXCEL Clinical Trial
- Extension distance mismatch - a factor for suboptimal SB ostial coverage
- Flow Dynamic Factors and Vectors of Neointimal Hyperplasia (NIH)
- French multicentric left main at 3 years
- French Taxus Pilot study at 5 years
- Impact of asymmetric expansion induced by kissing balloon technique on mid and long term results
- 001 registry
- EBC 2010 - Programme
- 3 y outcomes after SES implantation for ULM coronary artery disease impact of technique
- 3-day OCT follow-up of a STENTYS® stent in a STEMI patient with a bifurcation lesion
- A Novel Approach to Coronary Bifurcation Disease
- Angio/MDCT co-registration for bifurcation lesions
- Angiographic and clinical outcome of PCI for restenosis of stented bifurcations
- Bench study of strut deformation and polymer damages
- Bifurcation stenting simulation: the stent
- Bifurcation stenting simulation: the vessel
- Bifurcation treatment: Interest of the association DES and DEB? preliminary results in a rabbit model
- Biomatrix Features Relevant to Bifurcational Stenting and the LEADERS Bifurcation Substudy
- Case 1: Retrograde CTO wiring of CX bifurcation
- CD session n° 2: stenting techniques-Distal left main lesion with difficult LAD access
- Consensus so far and what we will be focusing on this time
- Debiut
- Dedicated Software for Bifurcation QCA: Pie Medical (CAAS 5.9) and MEDIS (QAngio XA Validation on Phantom analysis
- DK-Crush II study
- EXCEL Clinical Trial
Day 1
- Abbott Symposium “Stent design and bifurcation lesions”
- AXXESS – The Self-Expanding Bifurcation DES– Device Overview and Clinical Data
- Bifurcation lesions Fundamental aspects
- Bifurcation optimized stent system (BIOSS, Balton, PL) One year results of FIM study + case presentation
- Bifurcations: Clinical aspects
- Coronary artery bifurcation hypothesis - generating concepts utilising 3D OCT
- Dedicated Bifurcation Optimization Stent System – First-In-Human Results
- Different guidewire techniques - Three cases with difficult side branch access
- Do angle and anatomy influence outcomes in bifurcation stenting Axxess case review
- FFR basics for bifurcation
- FFR versus anatomical assessment using conventional and bifurcation dedicated QCA
- FFR vs IVUS in bifurcation lesions
- First clinical experience of "flower petal stenting"
- Highway technique
- How to Improve Stenting Results in Bifurcations? Platform and technique
- How to select an optimal technique for bifurcation stenting?
- Inverted Crush Technique for Uncrossable Side Branch Occlusion During Provisional SB Stenting
- Non-invasive FFR in bifurcation: The HeartFlow technology
- OCT evaluation after Tryton
- OCT strut-level analysis of drug-eluting stents (DES)
Day 2
- A new bifurcation bench
- Bifurcation Stenting in the setting of Acute Myocardial Infarction: New Data
- Bifurcation stenting in the setting of AMI : new data
- Bifurcation Stenting: IVUS and OCT Information
- Consensus statement on use and analysis of optical coherence tomography in bifurcation lesions - Call for EBC working group
- Cypher series in Torino
- Everolimus vs sirilmus eluting stents for bifurcation
- FFR before, during and after stenting without pressure wire, without adenosine
- If periprocedural MI is not an endpoint… is the simple strategy really better?
- Is respect of bifurcation branching laws the best option for LM stenting?
- IVUS guidance or not for ULM bifurcation stenosis
- IVUS guidance or not for UPLM bifurcation stenosis (controversy)
- John Doe LM flow dynamics before, during and after stenting
- John Doe LM stenosis simulation: 3D angio, IVUS, CT, OCT
- John Doe provisional left main stenting
- Left main atheroma: Insight into mechanical properties of plaque
- LM Bifurcation Studies of Importance in 2011
- Non-LM bifurcation studies of importance in 2011
- Outcome after provisional T-stenting with the endothelial progenitor cell capturing stent
- Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction and Clinical Outcome In Bifurcation Lesion
- EBC 2011 - Programme
- A new bifurcation bench
- Abbott Symposium “Stent design and bifurcation lesions”
- AXXESS – The Self-Expanding Bifurcation DES– Device Overview and Clinical Data
- Bifurcation lesions Fundamental aspects
- Bifurcation optimized stent system (BIOSS, Balton, PL) One year results of FIM study + case presentation
- Bifurcation Stenting in the setting of Acute Myocardial Infarction: New Data
- Bifurcation stenting in the setting of AMI : new data
- Bifurcation Stenting: IVUS and OCT Information
- Bifurcations: Clinical aspects
- Consensus statement on use and analysis of optical coherence tomography in bifurcation lesions - Call for EBC working group
- Coronary artery bifurcation hypothesis - generating concepts utilising 3D OCT
- Cypher series in Torino
- Dedicated Bifurcation Optimization Stent System – First-In-Human Results
- Different guidewire techniques - Three cases with difficult side branch access
- Do angle and anatomy influence outcomes in bifurcation stenting Axxess case review
- Everolimus vs sirilmus eluting stents for bifurcation
- FFR basics for bifurcation
- FFR before, during and after stenting without pressure wire, without adenosine
- FFR versus anatomical assessment using conventional and bifurcation dedicated QCA
Day 1
- Bifurcation in acute MI is not always easy!
- Polish Bifurcation Optimal Strategy Study (POLBOSS)
- Bifurcation stenting simulation, bench, animal or finite element analysis: what for?
- BiOSS Lim First-in-Men registry
- Bioss: clinical cases
- “Creativity of the Interventional Cardiologist”
- Deployment in autopsy models
- Feasibility and results of novel side branch evaluation by customizable measurement planes in OCT - A SORT-OUT V substudy
- Fully automatic 3D OCT during bifurcation PCI
- Houston we have a problem!
- OCT and long term bifurcation evolution
- The role of OCT in optimization of bifurcation PCI
- Provisional stenting: can we improve outcomes?
- Provisional stenting: can we improve outcomes? RESOLUTE INTEGRITY: CLINICAL EXPERIENCE
- Simulation of drug release (what for)?
- Simulation on numerical models: stents
- Stent Thrombosis after Left Main-stem Simultaneous Kissing Stents – How to resolve the tangle?
- The Axxess Stent: from concept to long term clinical evidence
- We learn a lot from OCT
Day 2
- 5 Year Follow Up Following Simple Versus Complex Stenting Of Coronary Artery Bifurcation Lesions - The Nordic Bifurcation Study
- Bench Testing and Simulation to Improve Bifurcations Stenting
- Bifurcation 3D QCA
- Comparing Two-Stent Strategies -Stenting MV first vs. SB first
- CORPAL Registry of Left Main Restenosis
- Drug eluting balloon for bifurcation lesion: is it useful?
- Have the two-stent techniques changed?
- Important LM bifurcation studies update
- Important non-LM bifurcation studies update
- In-stent restenosis after elective double stenting treatment of left bifurcation
- Influence of biomarkers on MACE definition
- IVUS or FFR for ambiguous LM assessment
- John Doe FFR before, during and after stenting
- John Doe left main provisional stenting
- John Doe LM flow dynamics before, during and after stenting
- Laser for 1-0-1
- Left main distal bifurcation: Influence of technical factors on long term outcome
- LM Bifurcation studies of importance in 2011
- EBC 2012 - Programme
- 5 Year Follow Up Following Simple Versus Complex Stenting Of Coronary Artery Bifurcation Lesions - The Nordic Bifurcation Study
- Bench Testing and Simulation to Improve Bifurcations Stenting
- Bifurcation 3D QCA
- Bifurcation in acute MI is not always easy!
- Polish Bifurcation Optimal Strategy Study (POLBOSS)
- Bifurcation stenting simulation, bench, animal or finite element analysis: what for?
- BiOSS Lim First-in-Men registry
- Bioss: clinical cases
- “Creativity of the Interventional Cardiologist”
- Comparing Two-Stent Strategies -Stenting MV first vs. SB first
- CORPAL Registry of Left Main Restenosis
- Deployment in autopsy models
- Drug eluting balloon for bifurcation lesion: is it useful?
- Feasibility and results of novel side branch evaluation by customizable measurement planes in OCT - A SORT-OUT V substudy
- Fully automatic 3D OCT during bifurcation PCI
- Have the two-stent techniques changed?
- Houston we have a problem!
- Important LM bifurcation studies update
Day 1
- Accidental abluminal rewiring, OCT check or optimal technique?
- Consensus statement on use and analysis
- Discussion and EBC PREDICTION study
- From stent deployment to flow analysis: assumptions, limitations
- Lesion progression prediction from shear stress and plaque characteristics: PREDICTION
- OCT and POT
- OCT for BVS implantation in bifurcation lesions
- OCT for dedicated bifurcation stent implantation
- Patient specific bifurcation stenting modelling: What for? To predict outcome
- Patient specific model generation: 3D QCA vs. 3D QCA + OCT
- Patient specific model generation: MSCT + IVUS
- The final result - How perfect should it be?
- The jailed side branch and OCT guided cross over
- The side branch OCT pullback - Show off or show troubles?
- Two-stent techniques - The OCT check points
Day 2
- 3D QCA by Medis
- Advanced 3D QCA assessment of bifurcation lesions.
- DEB in 001 lesions, acute results and 6 months angiographic results
- Drug eluting balloon vs second generation
- Kissing balloon inflation with BSCI stents: Bench test analysis
- Predictors & outcomes of SB occlusion after MB stenting
- Recent data from the J-Reverse study
- Regular DES versus Paclitaxel Sirolimus dedicated stent. POLBOS randomized trials
- What we have achieved, what the future will bring
- EBC 2013 - Programme
- 3D QCA by Medis
- Accidental abluminal rewiring, OCT check or optimal technique?
- Advanced 3D QCA assessment of bifurcation lesions.
- Consensus statement on use and analysis
- DEB in 001 lesions, acute results and 6 months angiographic results
- Discussion and EBC PREDICTION study
- Drug eluting balloon vs second generation
- From stent deployment to flow analysis: assumptions, limitations
- Kissing balloon inflation with BSCI stents: Bench test analysis
- Lesion progression prediction from shear stress and plaque characteristics: PREDICTION
- OCT and POT
- OCT for BVS implantation in bifurcation lesions
- OCT for dedicated bifurcation stent implantation
- Patient specific bifurcation stenting modelling: What for? Educational purposes
- Patient specific bifurcation stenting modelling: What for? To predict outcome
- Patient specific model generation: 3D QCA vs. 3D QCA + OCT
- Patient specific model generation: MSCT + IVUS
- Predictors & outcomes of SB occlusion after MB stenting
- Recent data from the J-Reverse study
Day 1
- 10th European Bifurcation Club meeting, Bordeaux, 17-18 October, 2014
- 3D QCA in bifurcation lesions for FFR analysis and PCI optimization
- A novel technique for distal left main lesion treatment using DES & BVS
- Bifurcation Stenting Guidance: OCT, IVUS, FFR & Angio - Parallel Session
- BIOSS stent with paclitaxel or sirolimus?
- BVS restenosis: how to manage?
- BVS Thrombosis, Focus on Bifurcation
- Challenges in QCA of bifurcation lesions
- Challenges of and Requirements for Bench Testing in the BRS Era
- Coronary bifurcations stenosis: definition, classification of lesions, classification of techniques, measurements
- Dedicated stents for left main bifurcations
- EBC TWO: EBC MAIN European Bifurcation Club Trials
- Inside the DK-Crush Technique
- Inter-core lab variability in quantitative coronary angiography in bifurcation lesions: The Tryton trial revisited
- Lessons about Left Main stenting from MITO registry
- OCT measurements
- P2Y12 inhibitor utilization in Bifurcation and Chronic Total Occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention with multiple drug-eluding stent (P2BiTO) registry
- Pathological Aspects of Bioresorbable Stent Implantation
- PCI with DEB only for Bifurcation Lesions
- Perspectives of the phantom bifurcation model: new insights with virtual flow/CFD using STL files
Day 2
- Advanced Bifurcation Systems Mother-Daughter Platform full bifurcation and provisional side-branch stenting
- Advanced Bifurcation Systems Mother-Daughter Platform Provisional side-branch and full bifurcation stenting
- Anatomical, physiological and clinical relevance of a side branch: Which branch really needs a stent?
- Bifurcation stenting as you have never seen it: Visible Heart programme (PROVISIONAL T/TAP)
- Clinical Outcomes of the First Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating a Dedicated bifurcation Stent: Lessons Learned
- Complex Bifurcation: A new Scoring System to Guide PCI Choices for Bifurcation Lesions
- Primary Results of the Multicenter COBRA trial
- Definition Study: Defining simple and complex coronary bifurcation lesions
- 10th European Bifurcation Club meeting, Bordeaux, 17-18 October, 2014
- EBC 2014 - Programme
- 3D QCA in bifurcation lesions for FFR analysis and PCI optimization
- 3D-OCT New implications of optimal SB re-crossing
- A novel technique for distal left main lesion treatment using DES & BVS
- Advanced Bifurcation Systems Mother-Daughter Platform full bifurcation and provisional side-branch stenting
- Advanced Bifurcation Systems Mother-Daughter Platform Provisional side-branch and full bifurcation stenting
- Anatomical, physiological and clinical relevance of a side branch
- Anatomical, physiological and clinical relevance of a side branch: Which branch really needs a stent?
- Assessment of side branch pre-dilation prior to a provisional T stent strategy
- Bifurcation stenting as you have never seen it: Visible Heart programme (PROVISIONAL T/TAP)
- Bifurcation Stenting Guidance: OCT, IVUS, FFR & Angio - Parallel Session
- BIOSS stent with paclitaxel or sirolimus?
- BVS restenosis: how to manage?
- BVS Thrombosis, Focus on Bifurcation
- Challenges in QCA of bifurcation lesions
- Challenges of and Requirements for Bench Testing in the BRS Era
- Clinical Outcomes of the First Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating a Dedicated bifurcation Stent: Lessons Learned
- Complex Bifurcation: A new Scoring System to Guide PCI Choices for Bifurcation Lesions
- Primary Results of the Multicenter COBRA trial
Day 1
- 3D OCT of ABSORB vs. DESolve vs. FANTOM BRS
- 5 French transradial percutaneous bifurcation interventions with conventional devices
- Assessment of side branch compromise after coronary bifurcation stenting: a computational study
- Bifurcation PCI Guidance. OCT and IVUS PARALLEL SESSION 1
- BiOSS Expert and BiOSS Lim stents for bifurcation lesions. Analysis of pooled data from POLBOS I and POLBOS II randomized trials
- Can POT+SB dilation be an alternative to FKI?
- Can POT+SB dilation be an alternative to FKI?
- EBC – Consensus Dedicated Bifurcation Stent Systems
- Fractional flow reserve and the influence of bifurcation angle and degree of stenosis
- How Bifurcation Angle Impact the Fate of Side Branch after Main Vessel Stenting
- Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Bifurcation intervention-IVUS/OCT finding in J-REVERSE-
- Impact of overxpansion strategies: Insights from bench Testing
- Impact of side branches modeling on computation of endothelial shear stress in coronary artery disease
- Impact of Stent mis-sizing and mis-positioning on Coronary Fluid Wall Shear and Intramural Stress
- Introduction Boston Scientific – Gold Sponsor Meeting
- Mathematical Modeling of Coronary Arterial Tree
- Narrow B-angle is a predictor of SB closure
- Negative remodeling at SB ostium location
- Next Generation - The Nile SIR, dedicated Sirolimus Stent The Indian Registry, Experience and Results
- Next generation DES in bifurcation PCI
Day 2
- (re)-Proximal Opimazing Technique in provisional coronary bifurcation stenting The full version...
- (re)-Proximal Opimizing Technique in coronary bifurcation stenting with everolimus-Eluting Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold Fractal Coronary Bifurcation Bench for comparative test between ABSORBTM and XIENCE XpeditionTM
- 10-year Outcome of LM Stenting & Management of Restenosis
- 5-year serial evaluation of jailed side branches by BRS: 3-dimensional OCT analysis
- An Angiographic Tool for Risk Prediction of Side Branch OccLusion in Coronary Bifurcation InterVEntion: The RESOLVE Score System
- Angio-based FFR in straight vessels and bifurcations: QFR
- Animal study with BRS in bifurcation lesions
- Bifurcation and antiplatelet treatment registry
- Bifurcation PCI Guidance. OCT and IVUS - summary
- Bifurcations Bad Krozingen I Clinical outcome 5 years after routine T-Stenting versus provisional T-stenting in the treatment of de novo coronary bifurcation lesions using sirolimus-eluting stents
- Bioresorbable Scaffolds in Bifurcations-Bench Studies
- BRS bench testing: expansion capacity, radial strength
- BVS disruption at LCx ostium: OCT findings at 6-months follow-up
- Dedicated Devices Con
- Differences between the LM and other bifurcations
- Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy and Long-term Clinical Outcomes After Implantation of Drug-eluting Stents for Left Main Bifurcation Lesions : Results from the COBIS Registry II
- EBC MAIN: A European Bifurcation Club Trial
- Final Kissing Balloon Inflation is a Factor of Complication?
- Final Kissing Ballooning Returns? The analysis of COBIS II registry
- (re)-Proximal Opimazing Technique in provisional coronary bifurcation stenting The full version...
- (re)-Proximal Opimizing Technique in coronary bifurcation stenting with everolimus-Eluting Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold Fractal Coronary Bifurcation Bench for comparative test between ABSORBTM and XIENCE XpeditionTM
- 10-year Outcome of LM Stenting & Management of Restenosis
- 2015 Programme
- 3D OCT of ABSORB vs. DESolve vs. FANTOM BRS
- 5 French transradial percutaneous bifurcation interventions with conventional devices
- 5-year serial evaluation of jailed side branches by BRS: 3-dimensional OCT analysis
- An Angiographic Tool for Risk Prediction of Side Branch OccLusion in Coronary Bifurcation InterVEntion: The RESOLVE Score System
- Angio-based FFR in straight vessels and bifurcations: QFR
- Animal study with BRS in bifurcation lesions
- Assessment of side branch compromise after coronary bifurcation stenting: a computational study
- Bifurcation and antiplatelet treatment registry
- Bifurcation PCI Guidance. OCT and IVUS - summary
- Bifurcation PCI Guidance. OCT and IVUS PARALLEL SESSION 1
- Bifurcations Bad Krozingen I Clinical outcome 5 years after routine T-Stenting versus provisional T-stenting in the treatment of de novo coronary bifurcation lesions using sirolimus-eluting stents
- Bioresorbable Scaffolds in Bifurcations-Bench Studies
- BiOSS Expert and BiOSS Lim stents for bifurcation lesions. Analysis of pooled data from POLBOS I and POLBOS II randomized trials
- BRS bench testing: expansion capacity, radial strength
- BVS disruption at LCx ostium: OCT findings at 6-months follow-up
- Can POT+SB dilation be an alternative to FKI?
Day 1
- “Nano Crush” technique for bifurcation stenting
- A LM PCI from the screened population in NOBLE
- A restenosis stent thrombosis after brs: how to treat?
- Angiographic Predictors of Two Stent Strategy in Coronary Bifurcations
- Bifurcation management with imaging guidance in 2016: unresolved clinical needs
- Calcified Left Main Bifurcation 2 Stents Strategy After Rotation 2 Stents Strategy After Rota
- FFR vs icECG in Coronary Bifurcations
- How Coronary Bifurcation Shape affects Flow
- How to optimize results of bifurcation stenting
- IDEAL-LM Cases with important learning points
- Impact of Intramural Stresses on NIH in Bifurcation Stenting
- How new OCT advancement may impact the EBC Consensus
- Left main optimization, how to use imaging? IVUS of LM and the LAD/CX bifurcation
- LM PCI Optimization Pearls from the ongoing LM PCI Trials
- LMCA optimization using OCT
- Maximum Capacity of current DES-Large enough for LM ?
- OCT with Stent Optimization software to support pre and post-PCI decision making
- One stenting technique for bifurcation lesion with thrombosis
- Problems with Calcified Bifurcation lesions
Day 2
- Bench Testing and Coronary Artery Bifurcations: A Consensus Document from the European Bifurcation Club
- Clinical follow up of bifurcation lesions in EXPAND and STEMI-FIRST
- Comparison of Strategies in Bifurcation Stenting: From COBIS Registries
- Complex Bifurcation lesions: a RAndomized comparison between the AXXESS device with Absorb BVS and Modified T stenting with Absorb BVS, an OCT study: the COBRA II study
- DCA revival in bifurcation treatment
- How new technologies may impact left main treatment – Visible Heart insights
- How should we treat Left Main Bifurcation: The EBC MAIN trial
- In 1,1,1 bifurcation DK-Crush should be the elective technique of choice - NO
- Left Main stenting in large vessels: techniques, tips and tricks – Case based approach
- Long-term outcome of POLBOS 1 and 2 studies
- Meeting summary - consensus achieved ?
- FFR guided provisional SB stenting strategy for bifurcation stenting
- New dedicated bifurcation balloon
- P2Bito registry update
- POT + SB Dilation as an Alternative to FKB
- Proximal Optimizing Technique (POT) in coronary bifurcation stenting. What is its precise place in the different technical sequences?
- RePOT (POT-SBI-POT) should be the routine in provisional stenting - Pro
- Short-term versus conventional DAPT duration after bifurcation PCI
- The role of POT and NC balloon: COBIS II analysis
- “Nano Crush” technique for bifurcation stenting
- EBC 2016 - Programme
- A LM PCI from the screened population in NOBLE
- A restenosis stent thrombosis after brs: how to treat?
- Angiographic Predictors of Two Stent Strategy in Coronary Bifurcations
- Bench Testing and Coronary Artery Bifurcations: A Consensus Document from the European Bifurcation Club
- Bifurcation management with imaging guidance in 2016: unresolved clinical needs
- Calcified Left Main Bifurcation 2 Stents Strategy After Rotation 2 Stents Strategy After Rota
- Clinical follow up of bifurcation lesions in EXPAND and STEMI-FIRST
- Comparison of Strategies in Bifurcation Stenting: From COBIS Registries
- Complex Bifurcation lesions: a RAndomized comparison between the AXXESS device with Absorb BVS and Modified T stenting with Absorb BVS, an OCT study: the COBRA II study
- DCA revival in bifurcation treatment
- FFR vs icECG in Coronary Bifurcations
- How Coronary Bifurcation Shape affects Flow
- How new technologies may impact left main treatment – Visible Heart insights
- How should we treat Left Main Bifurcation: The EBC MAIN trial
- How to optimize results of bifurcation stenting
- IDEAL-LM Cases with important learning points
- Impact of Intramural Stresses on NIH in Bifurcation Stenting
- In 1,1,1 bifurcation DK-Crush should be the elective technique of choice - NO
Day 1
- About balloon compliance in bifurcation techniques: Surprise!
- 3 times kissing balloon technique
- Novel tools and techniques: co-registration and resting indexes
- Bifurcation techniques with magmaris and newer BRS, bench testing to clinical application
- BVS Concerns after Absorb II and III : Operators, device or concept?
- Clinical outcomes of two scaffold strategies using BVS for bifurcation lesions
- DK-mini Crush Left Main Bifurcation Lesions
- How would I treat? Case #2
- How would you treat?
- Interactive Case Session-How would I treat this bifurcation?
- LAD-D bifurcation lesions: a case with intraprocedural complication
- Less invasive functional evaluation: FFRCT and angiography-derived FFR in bifurcation lesions.
- OCT guided Rotablation in bifurcation lesions
- OCT Observations of long term follow up of BVS two scaffold strategy for bifurcations lesions
- Optimizing a complex bifurcation treatment Case presentation
- Optimizing a complex bifurcation treatment How did I treat...
- Pre-PCI imaging to assess lesion characteristics and to decide the bifurcation strategy
- Predictors of Side Branch Compromise in OCT Observations
- Shear Stress Analysis / 3 Dimensional Vessel and Scaffold: Reconstruction Methodology
- Slip stream technique, which is new IVUS-guided bifurcation
Day 2
- “Tricky” 2 stent Culotte for left main stem bifurcation stenosis
- 15 slides from OCT session
- Balloon push fold method for removing side branch-jailed stent struts under 3D-OCT guidance
- BIFURCATOR-2 study
- Characteristics of stent thrombosis in bifurcation lesions analyzed by optical coherence tomography: insights from the national PESTO French registry
- Clinical evidence of absence of chronic clinical relevance of small side branches
- Clinical outcome after bifurcation vs non-bifurcation stenting: a meta-analysis
- Drug Coated Scoring-Balloon for the treatment of SBs in complex coronary bifurcation lesions
- Flow ISR study Patient specific bifurcations stenting simulations
- How to approach the problem of clinical relevance of a SB: Analytical perspective
- How to recognize a clinically relevant SB?
- Imaging or Not During Left Main Stenting, Do we need a randomized trial?
- Impact of peri-procedural IVUS on OCT outcome parameters: IDEAL-LM Study
- IN MEMORIAM ALFONSO MEDINA Goodbye to a 1,1,1 cardiologist
- Nordic I, 10 years follow up – What have we learned from the early randomized bifurcation studies?
- One vs two stent technique in the Noble trial
- P2Bi To Registry update and future
- Perspectives
- POLish Bifurcation Optimal treatment Strategy for Left Main bifurcation PCI in an all-comers population
- Practical approaches and novel technology to optimize left main procedure outcome
- “Tricky” 2 stent Culotte for left main stem bifurcation stenosis
- 15 slides from OCT session
- EBC 2017 - Programme
- About balloon compliance in bifurcation techniques: Surprise!
- Balloon push fold method for removing side branch-jailed stent struts under 3D-OCT guidance
- 3 times kissing balloon technique
- Novel tools and techniques: co-registration and resting indexes
- Bifurcation techniques with magmaris and newer BRS, bench testing to clinical application
- BIFURCATOR-2 study
- BVS Concerns after Absorb II and III : Operators, device or concept?
- Characteristics of stent thrombosis in bifurcation lesions analyzed by optical coherence tomography: insights from the national PESTO French registry
- Clinical evidence of absence of chronic clinical relevance of small side branches
- Clinical outcome after bifurcation vs non-bifurcation stenting: a meta-analysis
- Clinical outcomes of two scaffold strategies using BVS for bifurcation lesions
- DK-mini Crush Left Main Bifurcation Lesions
- Drug Coated Scoring-Balloon for the treatment of SBs in complex coronary bifurcation lesions
- Flow ISR study Patient specific bifurcations stenting simulations
- How to approach the problem of clinical relevance of a SB: Analytical perspective
- How to recognize a clinically relevant SB?
- How would I treat? Case #2
Day 1
- A paradigm shift for interventional cardiology
- Angio-based SB territory vs. FMM by coronary CTA vs. Ischemic territory by CTA
- Challenge of Struts across SB ostium Can OCT optimize management?
- Clinical and RX diagnosis
- Computational fluid dynamic comparison of different optimization techniques in left main provisional or culotte stenting "
- Computational parameters and techniques for realistic bifurcation stenting simulations
- Computational stenting simulations: introduction
- Contemporary stent standardized analysis for potential use in coronary bifurcation stenting
- Coronary bifurcation bench test using multimodality imaging: Potential risks of re-POT sequence for stent jailing at side branch ostium
- Coronary Flow Simulation in Optimal and Suboptimal Bifurcation Stenting
- Critical importance of balloon position during final POT
- CTO & Multiple TAP
- Cullote stenting of bifurcation lesion in Y-shaped saphenous vein graft
- Culotte stenting in a Y shaped saphenous vein graft bifurcation
- Distal LM Trifurcation lesion treated with Two stent strategy- TAP - technique
- Distal radial sheathless approach for Left Main ACS
- DK Crush
- DK crush technique tips and tricks for a better result
- DK vs. Culotte ~chapter 2~
- EBC consensus illustrated by cases from EBC MAIN - Double stenting with imaging