Clopidogrel Resistance, ASA Resistance and Coronary Stent Thrombosis: A Causal Relation? EBC - ON DEMAND Search EBC MEETING 2007 Valencia Clopidogrel Resistance, ASA Resistance and Coronary Stent Thrombosis: A Causal Relation? Author: S.Hoffmann, R.Klamroth, C.Pollich, H.Landgraf, D.Andresen Vivantes Klinkum im Friedrichshain Vivantes Klinikum am Urban Leave a ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
EBC MEETING 2007 Valencia Clopidogrel Resistance, ASA Resistance and Coronary Stent Thrombosis: A Causal Relation? Author: S.Hoffmann, R.Klamroth, C.Pollich, H.Landgraf, D.Andresen Vivantes Klinkum im Friedrichshain Vivantes Klinikum am Urban