European Bifurcation Club 2008 – EBC 2008 – Prague, Czech Republic
New Bifurcation Assessment techniques
Three-dimensional angiography pre- and post- Left Main treatment
Author: Patrick W. Serruys, MD, PhD, Thoraxcenter, Erasmus Medical Center R&D Department, Cardialysis, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Part I. Modification of Left Main bifurcation angle by systolic-diastolic motion and by treatment. Preliminary exploratory research prior to official submission to the Steering Committee of the SYNTAX trial.
- Part II. Long-term follow-up of the Thoraxcenter Left Main population 2000-2005. Impact of the distal bifurcation angle on outcome
- There is a large variation in the Left Main bifurcation angulation parameters
- Systolic-diastolic motion affects the bifurcation angulation
- PCI treatment affects the distal bifurcation angle
- Endsystolic values of distal BA affect the outcome (MACE) significantly. This is the case both for the entire population as well as for subgroups( DES, distal LM treatment).
- Enddiastolic values exhibit a strong trend.
- Further, in-depth analysis, is necessary