European Bifurcation Club 2010 – EBC 2010 – Budapest, Hungary
Left Main session: focusing on techniques and late outcome
Percutaneous treatment of unprotected left main coronary stenoses with paclitaxel-eluting stents
Author: Didier Carrié, On behalf of the Friend study group CHU Toulouse Rangueil, France
The FRIEND Trial is a large prospective multicenter study on ULM stenting with a single drug-eluting stent and a predefined homogeneous technique in elective patients with a 9-month angiographic follow-up
Single digit of TVR (6,1%), death (6.7%), cardiac death (2.7%) and MACCE (21%) at 36-month FU
ULM stent thrombosis with a provisional T stenting approach is a relatively rare event, with a rate of 1.9% at 36-month-FU
Good long-term efficacy and safety of PCI outcomes in very selected patients