European Bifurcation Club 2011 – EBC 2011 – Lisbon, Portugal
Left Main Session
LM Bifurcation Studies of Importance in 2011
Author: Alaide Chieffo, MD, Invasive Cardiology Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,Milan, Italy
- Long term registries have demonstrated safety and efficacy of LM stenting up to 10 yrs fup
- RCT have showed no diffeences in hard end points (MI+death+CVA) but still higher revascularization rates in PCI
- Combined scores improve the discrimination accuracy of clinical or angiographic stand-alone tools. In CABG- LM patients, the ACEF score has the best prognostic accuracy. The good predictive ability for PCI along with the poor predictive ability for CABG still make the SYNTAX score the preferable decision-making tool in LM disease.