European Bifurcation Club 2012 – EBC 2012 – Castelldefels, Spain
Polish Bifurcation Optimal Strategy Study (POLBOSS) – interim analysis on 200 patients
Author: Robert J. Gil, MD, PhD, Central Hospital of the Internal Affaires Ministry, Poland
- 65-years old female
- Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia, on the medical therapy
- DM 2 for 10 years, now undergoing insulin therapy
- The main complain of chest Tightness and dyspnea for 1 month
- EKG is normal
- Echocardiography showed normal wall motion ,EF 50%
- POT is an integrate part of PCI procedure of LM bifurcation lesions
- However
- 30% side branch FFR <0.75 after POT
- Side branch dilation +Re-POT might induce stenosis deterioration, or stent distortion at side branch ostium
- POT combination with mini-KBI would be an optimalchoice for LM bifurcation lesions