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Recent data from the J-Reverse study


European Bifurcation Club 2013, EBC 2013 – London, UK


Recent data from the J-Reverse study

Author: Yoshinobu Murasato, MD, New Yukuhashi Hospital, Japan


Purpose of the study

  • Study-1: To compare clinical outcome of provisional stenting between EES and SES deployment under the IVUS guidance.
  • Study-2: To investigate whether asymmetrical expansion in the bifurcation lesion leads to more disturbance of neointimalization.


  • Study-1: Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) during 9-mo F/U period Death, Myocardial infarction, Target lesion revascularization (TLR), Target vessel revascularization (TVR), Stent thrombosis
  • Study-2: OCT abnormal findings (unevenness of intimal growth, uncovered struts, thrombus attachment)


  • The KBT induced more SB dissection required stenting and asymmetrical stent expansion in the proximal MV, however, it led to maintaining lower SB stenosis and larger proximal MV lumen during the 9-month F/U period without any increase in MACE.
  • Asymmetric or overexpansion induced by KBT has a potential to generate more intimal disturbance in the long-term F/U period.


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