European Bifurcation Club 2014 – EBC 2014 – Bordeaux, France
Bifurcation stenting: learning from bench and simulation
In-silico bifurcation stenting
Author: Jolanda Wentzel, MD, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
To study the influence of distal angle / plaque composition on plaque shift / carina shift because of provisional stenting
- Development coronary bifurcation model including plaque dimensions
- Quantification of plaque shift by volumetric analysis!sameorder of magnitude as Xu et al. Circ cardiovasc int 2012
- Plaque shift depends on plaque composition and bifurcation angle
- The largest plaque shift in lipid rich plaque
- The largest plaque shift in small bifurcation angle
Lumen size of SIDE BRANCH does marginally change –> more influence on lumen shape