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Serial analyses of jailed BVS side branch struts in cohort B1/B2 5 year FU


European Bifurcation Club 2014 – EBC 2014 – Bordeaux, France

BVS (2): Time for clinical data

The Serial follow-up of jailed side branches after implantation of bioresorbable scaffold. Insights from the ABSORB Cohort B trial using three-dimensional optical coherence tomography

Author: Yoshinobu Onuma MD, PhD, Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


  • Bioresorbable scaffolds consisting of poly-lactide are inherently programmed to bioresorb in three years.
  • It is still unknown how the struts implanted in front of a side branch behave during bioresorption.
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the fate of bioresorbable struts jailing side branch ostia at 6, 12, 24 36 and 60 months after implantation of the everolimus- eluting Absorb scaffold with three-dimensional (3-D) optical coherence tomography (OCT) reconstruction.


  • In the ABSORB B trial, OCT 3-D analysis showed that the ostial area free of struts remained unchanged at 6 months compared to baseline. At 12 and 24 months, the ostium area reduced due to growing tissue covering over and between the struts. However there are so far no clinical consequences of this phenomenon.
  • In the preliminary analysis, the ostium area seems to increase from 1 year to 3 years due to the reduction of neointima and recreation of bifurcation carina.
  • 5 year analysis is ongoing…


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