European Bifurcation Club 2017 – EBC 2017 – Porto, Portugal
SESSION 4: BRS for Bifurcation Stenting: After Thrombosis Crisis
The Drug-eluting Absorbable Magnesium Vascular Scaffold in Complex Coronary Bifurcations: Insights from an In Vivo Multimodality Imaging Study
Author: Johan Bennett MB BCh, MD, University Hospitals Leuven, KU Leuven, Belgium
- In a non-diseased bifurcation model complex bifurcation techniques can be performed using the Magmaris scaffold with excellent angiographic results.
- Full bifurcation coverage and good scaffold expansion achieved
- Angiography and OCT are not able to detect the presence of strut fractures, as determined by micro-CT (the gold standard).
- Overall, in 9/25 procedures strut fractures identified, with no evidence of scaffold integrity compromise.
- Modified T stenting (mini-crush) is more challenging, need to ensure complete crush of the SB scaffold. Positioning paramount!
- Take care to avoid Longitudional Scaffold Deformity (LSD)
- Provisional stenting of the MV with additional TAP seems a reasonable approach.