Existing data on drug coated balloons and coronary bifurcation treatment

European Bifurcation Club 2019, EBC 2019 - Barcelona, Spain BIFURCATION AND DRUG ELUTING BALLOONS - VOTING Existing data on drug coated balloons and coronary bifurcation treatment Author: Mario Araya, MD, Clinica Alemana De Santiago/ Thorax National Institute, Chile 4 STRATEGIES TESTED DCB with BMS DCB with DES DCB-only strategy DCB in bifurcaAon restenosis WHERE DO WE STAND Trials of DCB in bifurcaAon treatment use different protocols and devices, in small trials. No POT, low kissing. We need more data. Only paclitaxel-coated balloon have been reported. In general, the use of pDCB appears to be effective and safe in SB. The use of pDCB + BMS is inferior to conventional DES treatment The use of pDCB + DES (Everolimus) show excellent results in small registries . Only-DCB strategy is feasible and safe. In Restenosis of bifurcation, including LM, DCB tx show promising results compare to DES