Assessing Optimal Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Left Main Coronary Artery Stenting Registry
European Bifurcation Club 2019, EBC 2019 - Barcelona, Spain LM SESSION Assessing Optimal Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Left Main Coronary Artery Stenting Registry Author: Kazushige Kadota, MD, PhD, Kurashiki Central Hospital, Japan SUMMARY 1 The Long-term outcomes ager stent implantation for unprotected LMCA lesions were not determined by the bifurcation lesion types, but were related to the 2- stent strategy. Also, the difference in the rates of TLR and ST between 1-stent and 2-stent strategies were observed within 1 year. SUMMARY 2 Drug-eluting stent implantation ager rotational atherectomy was a safe and feasible strategy for complex bifurcation lesions. In this strategy, the 2-stent approach was associated with markedly worse 5-year clinical outcomes than the 1-stent approach. The events rate within 1 year were significantly higher for all outcomes in the 2-stent strategy group than in the 1-stent strategy group. CONCLUSION The AOI-LMCA registry confirmed that a simple stenting strategy could be recommended for treating leg main bifurcation lesions in real world practice. Meticulous care should be paid within 1 year after using a complex stenting strategy.