
European Bifurcation Club 2006 - EBC 2006 - Rome, Italy Consensus, non-consensus, need for future studies Consensus Author: Dr Victor Legrand

Consensus or not

European Bifurcation Club 2008 - EBC 2008 - Prague, Czech Republic LM stenting or surgery ? Consensus or not Author: Goran Stankovic, MD, Belgrade, Serbia

Consensus so far and what we will be focusing on this time

European Bifurcation Club 2010 - EBC 2010 - Budapest, Hungary What’s new since last year? Consensus so far and what we will be focusing on this time Author: Jens Flensted Lassen, MD, PH.D., FESC, Department of Cardiology B, Skejby Hospital, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Towards a worldwide consensus on bifurcation stenting

European Bifurcation Club 2016 - EBC 2016 - Rotterdam, The Netherlands Towards a worldwide consensus on bifurcation stenting Towards a worldwide consensus on bifurcation stenting - Current EBC position Author: Dr Thierry Lefevre, Prof Adrian Banning