Ivus guided LAD CTO/LM – bifurcation stenting
European Bifurcation Club 2019, EBC 2019 - Barcelona, Spain CASE SESSION - TIPS & TRICKS Ivus guided lad cto lm bifurcation stenting Author: Dr Joby K Thomas, MD, DM, Caritas Hospital Kerala, India SUMMARY Patient underwent CABG and mitral valve repair in 2014 at a different hospital Had effort angina which revealed occluded LIMA and both SVGs(2017) They attempted PTCA , did RCA and ‘ramus ‘ stenting LAD was ostial CTO , which they could not succeed in doing Patient still has angina Check angio showed patent stents in RCA and ‘ramus’ That converted a 0,1,1 LM distal bifurcation to 0,1,0 But LAD ostial CTO with no stump