Optimal Provisional Coronary Bifurcation Stenting
European Bifurcation Club 2014, EBC 2014 - Bordeaux, France ADVANCEMENTS IN BENCH TESTING AND COMPUTER MODELING Optimal provisional coronary bifurcation stenting: Final kissing balloon dilatation or not ? Author: Gerard Finet, MD, PhD, Hospices Civils de Lyon, France OBJECTIVES Quantify the mechanical effects of the POT Quantify the differences between: FKB approach (with its modified protocols) after POT approach with no FKB but consecutive POT with SB balloon inflation (re-POT) CONCLUSION Our preliminary results with 25 fractal bifurcation models with Promus Premier® (Boston) : quantitatively validated the mechanical effects of POT showed by comparison with : FKB alone and POT + FKB with symmetric or asymmetric balloon inflaOon pressure thatwithre-POT with SB dilation provides the best mechanical results and is the simplest technique in 1-stent bifurcation strategy. SBO almost free of strut (4.9%) a very low rate of global strut malapposition (2.6%) an almost perfect morphology of the carena and the wall facing the SB ostium a maintained circular cross-sectional area of the MoV (relative elliptic ratio : 1.0) the almost perfect respect of the linear law of coronary artery bifurcation geometry (0.66) We are completing these preliminary results with 25 other fractal bifurcation bench models with Ul#master® stent (Terumo) A total of 50 experimentations in fractal bifurcation bench models.