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Complex techniques for complex lesions: What are the situations where we need a double stenting ?


European Bifurcation Club 2009 – EBC 2009 – Berlin, Germany

Complex techniques for complex lesions?

Complex techniques for complex lesions: What are the situations where we need a double stenting ?

Author: Imad Sheiban, Director Interventional Cardiology, University of Torino, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Torino / Italy



  • Bifurcations without ostial SB involvement or those with only focal ostial SB narrowing  can be successfully treated  with single stent in MB  and FKB  in  nearly  70% of cases
  • Elective bifurcation stenting as the intention to treat  when :
    • Diffuse  disease on side branch
    • Marked SB Tortuosity
    • Difficult access to SB
    • Risk of  abrupt closure following Predilatation
    • Hemodynamic instability  ( Distal LM patients   )
  • Functional Evaluating  by   pressure wire  (FFR) can select those who  need a  second stent at SB.
  • Elective stenting in bifurcation, when needed, is  safe and effective


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